aivancity obtains certification for its Bachelor, Master and MSc programs

aivancity has just obtained level 6 professional certification (equivalent to Bac+3) for its Bachelor of Science in Applied Artificial Intelligence, and level 7 (equivalent to Bac+5) for its Grande Ecole and MSc programs. Recognized by the State as part of their registration in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP), professional certifications, like State diplomas, are evidence of a study level of corresponding to the level of qualification registered.
They guarantee the validation of the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out professional activities according to criteria established by the Ministry of Labor (France Compétences).
Both professional certifications obtained by aivancity as well as all the blocks of competencies that make them up are accessible through initial training, continuing education, professionalization or apprenticeship contracts as well as through the validation of acquired experience.
The level 6 professional certification "Artificial Intelligence Developer" associated with aivancity's Bachelor of Science in Applied Artificial Intelligence is strongly linked to the democratization and industrialization of AI use cases. The search for profiles with good skills in business analysis, data processing, machine learning and deep learning solutions implementation, and AI project deployment issues, is growing(Cf. the 2021 study of job offers for AI and Data professions by aivancity).
These quite versatile profiles, which do not require advanced theoretical knowledge to design AI solutions but know how to use existing tools (in machine learning or deep learning), meet a real demand from companies: Python developer, machine learning developer, Chatbot master…
The skills targeted by the "AI developer" certification are part of this path with three "technical" skills blocks, focused on data (which will be acquired, stored and analyzed), on machine learning implementation and deep learning algorithms, supported on both sides by two blocks of skills, one oriented towards the business world and the project issue (upstream issue), and the other geared towards the deployment of the AI solution (downstream issue).
All of these skills allow the AI developer to play their role as a "technology broker", a "knowledge transmitter", while understanding the company's challenges and therefore knowing how to adapt their knowledge of the technology to the organization's real needs, while considering the ethical and societal challenges of developing artificial intelligence.

Bachelor of Science in Applied Artificial Intelligence
The level 7 professional certification "Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence Solutions Development", associated with Grande Ecole Program, meets the needs of a professional world facing rapid changes brought about by the new Data and AI technologies.
Most companies have needs in terms of AI integration in their process. For this integration to be relevant, it is necessary to know the AI potential and the way companies operate. It is therefore necessary to have people able to advise on good use cases, with a good hindsight level on the technology. The AI project manager brings an answer to this problem by making the link between the technological and organizational aspects of AI transformations. He/she gathers skills that enable them to manage the global implementation of an AI solution, in its technical aspects (data processing, algorithms, learning tools, etc.), with a good knowledge of the stakes, and to manage and lead a team while considering the ethical and societal implications of the use of AI: feasibility, validity, acceptability, trust, responsibility…
The skills targeted by the certification "Project Manager in AI solutions development" aim at mastering the chain that goes from the knowledge of the business universe and stakes identification (human, strategic, economic, etc.) to teams' management and animation, while participating in commercial processes including AI solutions (in particular valorization of results). . At the heart of this chain, it will also be necessary to know how to analyze and process data, implement learning solutions, while leading the implementation of the IT development of the AI project.