aivancity Paris-Cachan

The aivancity Team



Tawhid Chtioui

Dr. Tawhid Chtioui

Founding President and Dean

  • Doctorate in Management Sciences, Leadership Prog from Harvard University​
  • 20 years of experience in managing and directing schools in France and abroad​
  • Rich entrepreneurial and development experience in France and internationally in the higher education sector
  • Honours and Awards: Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, Top 100 leaders in Education Award, The Name in science & Education Award Oxford Debate​

See his profile

de beauvais

Dr. Christophe de Beauvais

Strategic consultant

  • Doctorate in Physics from the ENS​​
  • Research experience at CNRS, International Relations Department at ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique and ParisTech and AI Project Management at emlyon Business School
  • Research experience at CNRS, International Relations Department at ENSTA, Ecole Polytechnique and ParisTech and AI Project Management at emlyon Business School​
Lucile Robinet

Lucile Robinet

Office Manager

  • Graduate from the University of Paris Saclay in Public Law (DEA) and from CELSA in Public Communication (DESS)
  • 20 years of experience in communication in public and private institutions (City of Cachan, City of Noisy-le-Grand, Isère Departmental Council, Institut Mines-Télécom, ICD BusinessSchool, PSB Paris School of Business, emlyon business school)
  • Served as Chief of Staff and Director of Communications


Academic Direction


doreid ammar

Dr. Doreid Ammar

Academic Director

  • PhD in Computer Science from the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Former professor and associate researcher at emlyon business school expert in machine learning, data mining, Internet of Things, quality of service and quality of customer experience
  • International teaching and research experience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the Technical Research Centre of Finland.

See his profil

Nasreddine Menacer

Nasreddine Menacer

Professor and Head of the AI Clinic & online programs

  • Intelligent Systems and Robotics Engineer, involved in several home automation research and development projects
  • Teaching experience at the Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran and École Centrale de Nantes
  • Data Scientist with active participation in various collaborative research projects, including the Défi Co project in collaboration with École CESI and APEC
Dr. Etienne Mauffret

Dr. Etienne Mauffret

Professor and Head of the Master of Science Data Engineering

  • Doctorate in computer science from Université Savoie-Mont Blanc
  • Former temporary teacher-researcher at ENS Lyon
  • Research activity at Pierre et Marie Curie University, Polytech' Annecy Chambery and ENS de Lyon
Yacine Allam

Dr. Yacine Allam

Professor and Head of the Master of Science Data Management

  • PhD in Economics at INRAE, University of Burgundy
  • Research in Machine Learning and AI for social sciences (discrimination, housing market, political science)
  • Teaching experience at Sciences Po, former head of teaching at the French Football Federation
Trinh HUOT

Trinh HUOT

Program Manager

  • Master in IT Projects and Business Strategies - Université Paris-Diderot
  • Former MBA Program Manager at HEC and Educational Director at Gaming Campus
  • Experience as an IT project manager and Product Owner





Dora Ben Mlouka

Administrative and Financial Director

  • Master’s degree in Finance and DESS in Corporate Law
  • 10 years of experience in an accounting firm
  • 10 years as CFO and then Executive Director of a company specialized in higher education consulting, vocational training and youth guidance.


Human Resources and Legal Affairs



Marie-Pierre Codognet

Head of Human Resources and Legal Affairs

  • DESS in Law and HR Management and a DESS in Social and Work Psychology  
  • More than 20 years of experience in human resources and legal functions, notably as HR Director in higher education institutions (Kedge Business School, emlyon business school).
  • Lawyer at the Marseilles Bar


International Relations


Laurent Chebassier

Laurent Chebassier

Head of International Relations

  • Graduate of the Institut Supérieur de Gestion and the Institut Français de la Mode
  • Over 25 years' experience in international development and partnerships in the retail sector
  • Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France (French Foreign Trade Advisor) for 5 years in the field of training and support for schools and universities
Amod Bhat

Amod Bhat

Regional Manager - Indian Subcontinent and Middle East

  • International academic collaborations and specialist in Business Developments
  • MBA in Entrepreneurship
  • Alumnus of Harvard University and IIM-A
  • 20-year career in management positions in various academic institutes, including, for the last 10 years, as director of business schools in India


Corporate Relations


Dr. Mounira Ilahi

Dr. Mounira ILAHI

Teacher and Corporate Manager

  • Doctorate in Computer Science from the Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique (Tunisia)
  • Microsoft Certified Educator with 15 years experience in Training Engineering and program management, double certified by Coursera's Enterprise Platform and Université Virtuelle de Tunis
  • International teaching and research experience focused on supporting and continuously improving the learning experience through the implementation of data monitoring and enhancement systems. ​


Communication & Marketing


alex kane

Alex Kane

Director of Communications & Marketing

  • Graduate of Sciences Po Paris and EHESS
  • Experience in international development at CCIP, CERAM and Euromed
  • 18 years of experience in Communication and Marketing in the major schools (CCIP, Ceram/Skema, Euromed/Kedge, emlyon Business School)
  • Chief Digital Officer, Chief Content Officer and then Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of emlyon between 2014 and 2020​
Malek Romdhani

Malek Romdhani

Project Manager

  • Mechatronics engineer graduated from the Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieur de Carthage (Tunisia)
  • + More than 5 years experience in web project management: design and development of customized web solutions with a personalized user experience.
  • 2 years experience in the educational field: responsible for the content and animation of robotics activities for youth.
  • Design and creation of educational game sets for children


Information Technologies


Fabien Carlier

Fabien Carlier

IT Director

  • Graduate from a BTS in Negotiation and Customer Relationship Management and a RNCP level 6 system and network administrator title.
  • 18 years of experience in remote monitoring (operator, technical support, operations manager, technical manager and IS).


Promotion - Admissions


Divine Kabanghi

Divine Kabanghi

Development and admissions

  • Bachelor's degree in management and digital marketing from ESC Amiens
  • Master's student in Business Development at PPA Business School

Martial Hennique

Development and admissions

  • Bachelor's degree in Finance from INSEEC Paris
  • 10 years' experience in business development in digital companies, start-ups and large groups


Development and admissions

  • Graduated with a Master of Science in New Information Technologies from Epitech Paris
  • 5 years of experience in business development in companies related to Digital, innovation in startups.