aivancity Paris-Cachan

MSc artificial intelligence & data science


Flash News

diplome aivancity Paris-Cachan, obtains state-recognition and visa for the Grande Ecole Program!



The aim of aivancity’s «Grande Ecole» program is to prepare future AIgineers® capable of meeting themany challenges facing the economy and society as they harness the potential of data and artificial intelligence:

  • Graduates capable of developing computer programs to accelerate business performance and ensure the transition to a 4.0 industry, but also to work for the progress of humanity in all areas, while ensuring that ethical rules evolve in line with technical and societal developments.
  • Graduates capable of designing and developing the intelligent systems that contribute to companies’ progress and the development of tomorrow’s Society while integrating the new challenges related to cobotics (Collaborative Robotics or Man/Machine collaboration).

Recruiters are increasingly looking for young talent capable of leading innovation projects and supporting the transformation of their organizations, by mobilizing technological and scientific knowledge integrated with business or professional management logics (strategy, marketing, customer relations, operations management, finance...).

The AI Engineers® that we train and (trans)form will be able to mobilize hybrid skills and lead multidisciplinary groups, to connect the scientific dimensions of AI & data science to business and society through open, collaborative and frugal innovation, agile project management ... while developing an ability to act in a VUCA environment (vulnerable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) and accepting to move forward without knowing everything beforehand.


Contact us for more information about the Grande Ecole Program

Information request



The integrated Grande Ecole program (3+2) enables students who have successfully completed their studies to obtain :

  • A Bachelor of science: Developper in Artificial Intelligence Obtain the «Artificial Intelligence Developer» level 6 professional certification issued by aivancity and registered with the RNCP under number 38603 (09-02-2024).It is possible to validate this certification by blocks of skills
  • A master degree in Artificial intelligence and Data science approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • an «AI Product Engineering» certificate issued by the University of California at Berkley, for students opting for the California learning trip

The professional certifications offered, for which preparation is an integral part of the program, validate the expertise of aivancity graduates and help them showcase their skills.

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals
  • Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate
  • AWS Certified Data Analytics
  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
  • AWS Certified Machine Learning
  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer



Assesment & teaching methods

The assessment of student achievements in this program will be carried out through a variety of methods, allowing for a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of their skills, in accordance with the requirements of the diploma or professional certification awarded.

Click here to learn about the evaluation methods and educational approach of the program.  


Learning Objectives

  • Institutional environment
  • Economic and financial environment
  • Legal environment
  • Social and societal environment
  • Identification of the company's opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence
  • Analysis of the societal and environmental impacts of artificial intelligence
  • Security and protection of personal data
  • Processing data from multiple sources
  • Statistical analysis of thedata
  • Data Transformation
  • Design and training of AI models
  • Optimization and evaluation of AI models
  • Analysis of computer needs
  • IT development management
  • Software viability and evolution
  • Communication of project results
  • Follow-up of the evolution of the results restitution interface of the artificial intelligence solution
  • Presentation of the main uses of the results of the AI project as well as their ethical implications
  • Managing the workflow of an AI project
  • Team leadership in a technological environment
  • Financial steering and risk management of the IA project


Take into account the multiple impacts and challenges of AI on the environment, society and the individual, and develop a responsible approach concerned with the legal issues related to data but also bias, transparency, robustness and explainability issues.

Address the company’s issues in a global way by integrating marketing and customer relationship strategies, management tools, communication methods and human and managerial levers.


The Grande École Program also enables students to :

  • Master two foreign languages in a professional situation and working in an international environment
  • Develop the ability to understand disruptions and transformations, the sense of agile, open and collaborative innovation and the ability to lead an end-to-end creative process.
  •  Identify the business challenges in his or her field of specialization and have the soft skills attached to it.
  • Adopt a responsible and ethical behavior and systematically integrate it in their professional decisions and activities.

These skills will enable our graduates to become key players in AI and data science projects in organizations.

Far from being confined to a single profession, our commitment to employability will be to provide them with the technical, business and ethical tools to enable them to evolve in a constantly changing world.


Performance indicators 2022/2023

  • Satisfaction rate: 96%
  • Graduation presentation rate: 100%
  • Graduation success rate: 99%

Content updated on 19/11/2023


Grande Ecole Program 

  • access

    Entry level High school Degree / Bachelor Degree

  • langue

    Languages French or English

  • diplome

    Diploma issued Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

  • calendrier

    Next classes September, 2025


    Late intake January, 2025


fonds de dotation

Support for individuals with disabilities

Our training programs are open to everyone.
If you have specific needs, especially related to a disability, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to welcome you and address your needs. Find the welcome guide and all the information about the support and assistance available for our students and participants with disabilities!

More info

5-year programs - 100% taught in English

Entry levelWork and study year
After High School*Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
1 Year university education*Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
2 Years university education*Year 3Year 4Year 5
3 or 4 year bachelor *Year 4Year 5

*In the required specializations - see admissions


Degree obtained

Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


    Boarding for aivancity

    100% online personalized course accessible upon confirmation of registration



    Year 1


    Data processing

    500H of teaching + 120H of AI clinic 


    Year 2


    Data modeling

    500H of teaching + 120H AI clinics

    Year 3


    Development of Artificial Intelligence

    500H of teaching  + 90H AI clinics


    4th YEAR ADMISSIONS: Refresher program according to academic background: fundamentals in management - and/or fundamentals in Math, stats, DATA and AI Tech - and/or AI, Ethics & Society


    Year 4


    540H of teaching + 180H AI clinic


    Year 5


    Have a strategic vision and specialize

    Learning, 180H of common core + 120H of specialization, + 300H AI clinic

    The Grande Ecole Program of aivancity (Bac +5) prepares students for various positions in AI and Data Science

    With the development of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in our society, new professions have emerged. They are present in all sectors of activity, they participate every day in innovation and performance improvement. These experts manipulate data, create algorithms, work on intelligent and complex technological systems...

    From the data, he codes intelligent computer programs, capable of quickly carrying out tasks usually performed by humans. He takes care of the study, creation, improvement and transformation.

    The various functions that cover the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are structured around several categories: conceptual, operational, analysis, or management functions. Some functions can combine several of these categories.


    The Grande Ecole program at aivancity prepares students for the following professions :

    What are the career paths of an AI developer?

    The professional evolution is diverse, it can concern :

    • an ascent to a higher position such as "Head of data" or "Head of intelligent digital systems
    • taking on bigger projects
    • starting your own business

    Admission to the Grande École Program is open to a variety of student profiles.

    The conditions stipulated below are indicative and set only a general framework that does not purport to take into account the completeness of individual cases.

    The aivancity Grande Ecole Program has its own competitive exam. All candidates pass selection tests based on knowledge, skills and open-mindedness, particularly sensitivity to ethical and responsibility issues.

    • Candidates who hold (or are in the process of obtaining) a general baccalaureate (or equivalent qualification), subject to validation of the diploma before the start of the school year.

    Admission tests in 1st year





    Assessment of the application file 4
    Numerical and Verbal Logic MCQ1h3
    Multiple choice English quiz (vocabulary, grammar, comprehension)45 mn2
    Choice of MCQ quiz: Computer Science or Economics and Society45 mn2
    One-on-one interview for motivation30 mn3
    • candidates with a general baccalaureate and a certificate of success (60 ECTS acquired) in a first year of study related to the school's specializations and accepted as equivalent by the aivancity director.

    Admission tests in 2nd year 





    Assessment of the application file 4
    Numerical and Verbal Logic MCQ1h3
    Technology & Business English quiz45 mn2
    Choice of MCQ quiz: Computer Science 45 mn2
    One-on-one interview for motivation30 mn3
    • candidates who have completed two years of scientific, economic and commercial or literary preparatory classes,
    • candidates who hold (or are in the process of obtaining) a DUT (all specialties), candidates who hold (or are in the process of obtaining) a BTS specialized in insurance, banking, management, sales, accounting, computer science, electronics or electrical engineering
    • Candidates holding a certificate of enrolment in a course of study of at least 3 years issued by a French or international higher education institution and justifying a certificate of successful completion (or in the process of obtaining it) of the first two years of this course (120 ECTS credits) in mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering sciences, economics or management, issued by a French or international higher education institution
    • Candidates who have (or are in the process of obtaining) a Bac+3 (Bachelor's degree, RNCP level 6 or other international diploma accepted as equivalent by the director of aivancity) in fields that differ from those required for integration into the 2nd year and who have a particular appetite for mathematics and computer science

    Admission tests in 3rd year




    Coefficient / Ratios

    Review of the application file 4
    Mathematics and Statistics MCQ1h303
    English MCQ (vocabulary, grammar, comprehension)45 mn1
    Choice of MCQs Computer Science or Economics and Society45 mn2
    Individual motivation interview30 mn3
    • Candidates who have (or are in the process of obtaining) a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, statistics, computer science or engineering sciences,
    • candidates who have (or are in the process of obtaining) a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in economics and/or management,
    • Candidates who have (or are in the process of obtaining) a Bachelor's degree (Bac+3 or Bac+4) from a business or engineering school,
    • Candidates who hold (or are in the process of obtaining) another international diploma related to the school's specializations and accepted as equivalent by the director of aivancity.

    Admission tests for the 3rd year




    Coefficient / Ratios

    Review of the application file 4
    Mathematics and Statistics MCQ1h303
    technology ; business English MCQ45 mn1
    MCQ Computer Science or Management45 mn2
    Individual motivation interview30 mn3



    The application file is graded on the basis of the candidate’s track record: academic excellence, quality of corporate experience, diversity of associative experience, cultural openness, etc.



    The “Mathematics and Statistics” test takes into account the applicant’s numerical logic and argumentation skills. Four independent exercises test logical reasoning and numerical modeling skills and evaluate the ability to use mathematical and statistical concepts and tools, as well as the application of these concepts in contexts close to everyday life or professional situations. The test lasts 2 hours and does not require advanced mathematical knowledge. It is conducted without a calculator.



    It is an MCQ with 45 questions divided into 3 parts: Comprehension, Vocabulary and Grammar. For 1st year admissions, questions focus on everyday life situations; for 2nd year admissions, the questions are related to the Technology & Business English environment.



    This is an MCQ that evaluates the candidate’s general knowledge of computer science and digital technologies.



    This is a multiple choice test that evaluates the candidate’s general knowledge in the fields of Economics and Sociology.



    This is an MCQ that measures the candidate’s general knowledge in the field of management and business management.



    The 30-minute interview takes place in front of a board of examiners made up of two teachers from the school or a teacher and a professional in the company. It allows the members of the jury, who have read the application, to get to know the candidate and to understand his or her professional project in line with the Grande Ecole Program of aivancity, to better evaluate the quality of the candidate’s academic background and to appreciate his or her openness and general culture.

    There is no ideal portrait or standard profile. The Jury assesses the candidates’ experiential reflection (specific examples in a school, professional or associative setting...), or their thoughts about their future linked to a good knowledge of what the school offers, rather than the construction of a character conforming to imaginary stereotypes. A real dialogue must be established with the jury so that it is able to determine the candidate’s ability to integrate, participate and develop within the school and then in positions of responsibility in the fields of AI and Data Science.


    Admission process


    The competition takes place in our premises over one day with written tests in the morning and oral tests in the afternoon. There is no eligibility phase. All the marks, affected by their coefficient are taken into account for the result.



    aivancity has set up an international admission procedure for all non-resident candidates in France designed to attract students from all over the world by valuing their talents and the diversity of their experiences. This procedure takes place continuously throughout the academic year, and includes only the evaluation of the application file and an individual interview. The admissions department sets the date with them and explains how the tests will be conducted.

    Admission results are published on the aivancity admissions platform within a maximum of one week, subject to validation of the current year. They are also sent by e-mail to the candidates

    Focus on the learning trip at the University of California Berkeley

    The University of California at Berkeley is the first University of California campus and is one of the most selective and prestigious universities in the world. It has 35,000 students, 14,000 employees and 1,800 tenured professors and boasts 104 Nobel Prizes, 45 MacArthur Prizes, 25 Turing Awards, 19 Oscars, 14 Pulitzer Prizes, 14 Fields Medals and 207 Olympic medals.


    aivancity School for Technology, Business & Society Paris-Cachan has signed a partnership with UC Berkeley to enable students of the Grande École Program to live an exceptional immersive experience in the innovative and technological ecosystem of Silicon Valley. At the end of the second year, students leave for the United States as part of a three-week learning trip to UC Berkeley and a one-week free cultural immersion program that includes the writing of a fresh-eyes report.

    The program, tailor-made for aivancity students, promotes a perfect coherence of the overall course within the school and develops new technical and international skills.


    Presentation of the program

    Artificial intelligence is among the most profoundly transformative technologies in the history of humanity, right there with fire or writing; the world is soon to be populated with smart agents, some acting independently, some enhancing human intelligence, skills, and performance. Some of these agents will be purely software, some will inhabit robots, cars, drones, satellites, and any imaginable type of hardware. The San Francisco Bay Area, which includes Berkeley and Silicon Valley, has for decades been at the forefront of several technological advances. Key is the presence of universities with exceptionally strong technical programs, of the world’s largest ecosystem of tech companies and startups, and of investors with budgets that are still unsurpassed.

    The University of California at Berkeley has been at the center of this success since the time of the first microchips. In this program, you will be immersed right into our unrivaled ecosystem, you will meet extraordinarily accomplished technologists, founders, and entrepreneurs and while we will produce work of the highest technical standards, you will also be exposed to and learn softer skills and attitudes that have made and are keeping this area as successful as it is. 
    The program challenges and pushes your technical abilities in a fast-paced environment. The variety of feedback and interactions you will experience, will enrich you and remain with you long after the program. 
    A note on the lectures: this program is fast-paced, experiential, and practical. Accordingly, the lectures will include interactive components and various activities. 


    Learning objectives 

    • Conceive and execute building an end-to-end product with AI at its core, from selecting the data, judging issues of fairness, ethics, and legality, to measuring impact in various technical, societal, and business ways. 
    • Understand the influence and the opportunities of the latest technologies and methodologies, developed in the Berkeley and Silicon Valley ecosystems, for business development and management. 
    • Manage and maximise different types of feedback (technical, consumer, business strategy). 
    • Test the limits of quick iteration and agile development in a user-centric manner. 
    • Develop insight into how to grow networking opportunities with technical and business leaders. 

    The innovation project

    At the core of the program is an Innovation Project in which students get the opportunity to develop new skills, strengthen existing one, and build a powerful professional network by working with and being guided by judges, mentors, investors and entrepreneurs. To maximize the learning experience, projects will be kicked-off and teams formed in France with the Lead Instructor so that we can make the most of the time in Berkeley. At the end of the Program at Berkeley, students will present their solutions to a panel of experts and receive valuable feedback and support for their projects. 

    • Product principles 
    • Exploratory data analysis (EDA) 
    • Evaluating model performance (technical) 
    • The lifecycle of an AI product 

    Students who successfully complete the learning trip program receive a certification from UC Berkeley : "Artificial Intelligence Product Engineering".

    Application fee :

    • For 1st and 2nd year admissions: 90€.
    • For 3rd and 4th year admissions: 120€.

    Cost of studies, financing and scholarships : 

    PGE PROGRAM COSTSYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
    Entry into 1st year9 500 €9 500 €9 500 €12 900 €12 900 €
    Entry into 2nd yearx10 900 €10 900 €12 900 €12 900 €
    Entry into 3rd yearxx12 900 €12 900 €12 900 €
    Entry into 4th yearxxx14 900 €14 900 €

    Years 4 and 5 are offered under apprenticeship or professionalization contracts, with tuition fees paid by the host company, or as part of a work-study program abroad or in France (year 5 only for students joining form Year 2 onward).

    These tuition fees are defined for the 2024/2025 academic year and include all study costs, including international learning trips, as well as a guarantee that the diploma will be updated for 10 years from the date of graduation.

    They do not include international travel expenses (airfare, transport, accommodation and meals). It is possible to benefit from bank loans negotiated at preferential rates with aivancity’s repayable after a grace period.

    It is also possible for first year students to benefit from scholarships corresponding to 100% of tuition fees, awarded by the aivancity Endowment Fund on the basis of social criteria and academic excellence.