Dr. Doreid AMMAR
Doreid Ammar received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France, in 2009 and 2012, respectively.
He is a Professor of computer science and data science and the Academic Dean at aivancity School for Technology, Business & Society, Paris-Cachan, France. His research interests focus on machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.
He was an Associate Professor of data science at emlyon business school, Écully, France. He was a Researcher with INRIA, Rocquencourt, France; Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Nozay, France; LIP-ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France; and CITI-INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne, and was a Marie Curie Fellow of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, and spent time at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Oulu, Finland, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
Année | Université | Diplôme/Poste |
2017 | deeplearning.ai | Certificate Improving Deep Neural Networks : Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization |
2017 | deeplearning.ai | Certificate Structuring Machine Learning Projects |
2017 | deeplearning.ai | Certificate Neural Networks and Deep Learning |
2017 | UC San Diego | Certificate Big Data Integration and Processing |
2017 | UC San Diego | Certificate Big Data Modeling and Management Systems |
2016 | Stanford University | Certificate Machine Learning |
2009 - 2012 | Université Claude Bernard (Lyon I) | PhD in Computer Science |
2008 - 2009 | Université Claude Bernard (Lyon I) | M.Sc. Research, Computer Sciences, specialized in Networking, Telecommunications and Services |
Année | Fonction |
2020 - Present | Academic Dean, Professor of Computer Science and Data Science – aivancity |
2018 - 2020 | Associate Professor of Data Science - emlyon Business School |
2016 - 2017 | Postdoctoral Fellow - NTNU |
2015 - 2016 | Postdoctoral fellowship - ERCIM (Norway) |
2015 - 2016 | Marie Curie fellow - ERCIM |
2013 - 2015 | ERCIM postdoctoral fellowship - VTT |
2013 - 2015 | Marie Curie fellow - ERCIM (Finland) |
2009 - 2013 | Teaching Assistant in the computer science department - Université Claude Bernard (Lyon I) |
2009 - 2012 | PhD Student in Computer Science - INRIA |
2009 | M.Sc. Research Internship - INRIA |
Informal Publications
- Doreid Ammar, Katrien De Moor, and Poul E. Heegaard, “Quality of Experience-assessment of WebRTC based video communication”, ERCIM News magazine (ERCIM News 105) – 2016.
- Doreid Ammar, “QoE-Aware Routing for Video Streams”, IEEE Communications Society MMTC E-Letter, 2015.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Performance Evaluation of MBAC Solutions”, INRIA Research Report RR-8080, 2012.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Traffic-Aware Flow Admission Control”, In Bell Labs Open Days 2012, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Nozay, Villarceaux, France, 2012.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “KBAC: Knowledge-Based Admission Control, INRIA Research Report RR-7955, 2012.
- Cédric Lévy Bencheton, Doreid Ammar, Guillaume Villemaud, Tanguy Risset, and Clément Reboul, “Multi-Mode Relaying for Power Consumption Reduction”, INRIA Research Report RR- 7245, 2010.
Journal Papers
- Frank Alexander Kraemer, David Palma, Anders Eivind Braten, Doreid Ammar, “Operationalizing Solar Energy Predictions for Sustainable, Autonomous IoT Device Management.”, IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal, 2020.
- Doreid Ammar, Katrien De Moor, and Poul E. Heegaard, “An Experimental Platform for QoE Studies of WebRTC-based Multi-Party Video Communication.”, International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Application, 2018.
Conference and Workshop Papers
- Hugo Hadjur, Doreid Ammar, Laurent Lefevre “Analysis of Energy Consumption in a Precision Beekeeping System.”, 10th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT 2020), Malmö, Sweden, 2020.
- Doreid Ammar, Jean Savinien, Lionel Radisson “The Makers' Beehives: Smart Beehives for Monitoring Honey-Bees' Activities.”, 9th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT 2019), Bilbao, Spain, 2019.
- Doreid Ammar, Katrien De Moor, Lea Skorin-Kapov, Markus Fiedler, Poul E. Heegaard “Exploring the Usefulness of Machine Learning in the Context of WebRTC Performance Estimation.”, 44th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2019), Osnabrueck, Germany, 2019.
- [Best Paper Award] Frank Alexander Kraemer, Doreid Ammar, Anders Eivind Braten, Nattachart Tamkittikhun and David Palma “Solar Energy Prediction for Constrained IoT Nodes based on Public Weather Forecasts”, 7th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT 2017), Linz, Austria, 2017.
- Anders Eivind Braten, Nattachart Tamkittikhun, Frank Alexander Kraemer and Doreid Ammar “Towards Cognitive Device Management: A Testbed to Explore Autonomy for Constrained IoT Devices”, 7th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT 2017), Linz, Austria, 2017.
- Katrien De Moor, Sebastian Arndt, Doreid Ammar, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, Andrew Perkis, and Poul E. Heegaard “Exploring diverse measures for evaluating QoE in the context of WebRTC”, 9th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2017), Germany, 2017.
- Doreid Ammar and Martìn Varela, “Evaluation and Comparison of QoE-Based Admission Control Solutions”, 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Paris, France, 2016.
- Doreid Ammar, Katrien De Moor, Min Xie, Markus Fiedler, and Poul E. Heegaard, “Video QoE Killer and Performance Statistics in WebRTC-based Video Communication”, In IEEE Sixth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2016), Ha Long, Vietnam, 2016.
- Doreid Ammar, Poul E. Heegaard, Min Xie, Katrien De Moor, and Markus Fiedler “Revealing the Dark Side of WebRTC Statistics Collected by Google Chrome”, 8th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.
- Toni Mäki, Martìn Varela, and Doreid Ammar, “A Layered Model for Quality Estimation of HTTP Video from QoS Measurements”, 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2015), Bangkok, 2015.
- Doreid Ammar and Martìn Varela, “QoE-Driven Admission Control for Video Streams”, 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2015), Corfu, 2015.
- Doreid Ammar and Martìn Varela, “QoE-Aware Routing for Video Streaming Over Wired Networks”, IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2015), Portland, USA, 2015.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “KBAC: Knowledge-Based Admission Control”, In 37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2012), Clearwater, Florida, USA, 2012.
- Doreid Ammar, Julien Brochet, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Knowledge-Based Admission Control: A Real-Time Performance Analysis”, In Demonstrations of the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 2012 (LCN-Demos 2012), Clearwater, USA, 2012.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Contrôle d'Admission Basé sur un Plan de Connaissance”, 14th Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications (ALGOTEL 2012), La Grande Motte, Hérault, France, 2012.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Evaluation and Comparison of MBAC Solutions”, In 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011), Bonn, Germany, 2011.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, and Ludovic Noirie, “Contrôles d'Admission basés sur des mesures : Evaluation et comparaison de solutions”, 15th Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 2011), Sainte-Maxime, France, 2011.
- Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, and Isabelle Guérin Lassous, “A New Tool for Generating Realistic Internet Traffic in NS-3”, In 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2011), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
- Cédric Lévy Bencheton, Doreid Ammar, Guillaume Villemaud, and Tanguy Risset, “Multi-Mode Relay Simulations: An Energy Evaluation on WSNet”, In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS 2011), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2011.
Books and Theses
- Doreid Ammar, “Plan de Connaissance pour les Réseaux Sémantiques : application au Contrôles d'Amission”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 2013.
- Doreid Ammar, “Optimisation de la Consommation Multi-Protocole dans les Réseaux Hybrides”, Master’s Thesis, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 2009.
- Doreid Ammar, “Network traffic Generator: Poisson Pareto Burst Process”, Network Simulator ns-3, Programming language C++, 2011. [Online] Available: http://codereview.appspot.com/4997043/
- Doreid Ammar and Elyès Ben Hamida, “Radio Propagation: ITU Indoor Propagation Model”, Network Simulator WSNet, Programming language C, 2009. [Online] Available: http://wsnet.gforge.inria.fr/