De Montfort University (Leicester) and aivancity Paris-Cachan sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Aware that they share common values,
In the presence of Dr. Aladdin Ayesh, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at De Monfort University (Leicester) and Visiting Professor at aivancity, and Dr. Doreid Ammar, Academic Director of aivancity, Professor Shushma Patel, Dean of De Monfort University and Tawhid Chtioui, President and Founder of aivancity, signed this collaboration agreement on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, which covers several areas including student exchange and staff mobility, double degrees, and learning trips for aivancity learners.
Tawhid Chtioui is pleased that "two institutions, even separated by 700 kilometers and the Brexit, remain convinced that there are still opportunities to bring people together and strengthen pluralism. "
This agreement reinforces aivancity's belief that the main challenge of the Artificial Intelligence and data revolution lies in its societal, human and ethical implications and that aivancity's role is to offer hybrid AI programs that transcend disciplinary boundaries and integrate Technology & Innovation, Business Management and Humanities.