aivancity's Grande Ecole Program wins the Eduniversal 2021 Innovation Award

The Eduniversal Innovation Awardrecognizes the most innovative programs that are best suited to today's job market. Theseawardsconfirm the attractiveness and relevance of aivancity'sartificial intelligence and innovative pedagogy.
- You obtain a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science for Business, a certificateissued by UC Berkeley and the mosthighlyvaluedprofessional certifications on the job market: Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud...
- You learn data sciences whilepracticingthem at the IA Clinic for 6 to 9 hours per week, on projectspresented by companies, as an integral part of your training.
- You become IAgénieurs® capable of mobilizing hy brid skills and leading multidisciplinary groups, connecting the scientific dimensions of AI & Data science with business and societal dimensions.
- You are preparing for the followingjobs:Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Project Manager, Artificial Intelligence Project Director, Artificial Intelligence Expert, Artificial Intelligence Consultant, Machine Learning Project Manager, Machine Learning Engineer, Data scientist, Data engineer, Big Data Consultant, Business Data analyst
- And you get the only diploma in the world with an Upgrade Guarantee© (a concept patented by aivancity - upgrade guarantee offered free of charge to all graduates for 10 years).
4 months after its launch, aivancity's Grande Ecole program appearsamong the best training programs, listed for more than 10 years by Eduniversal EEA, a world wide evaluation organization recognized in 153 countries.