aivancity ranked #1 in AI & Data Science in France

For its first entry in the ranking of Engineering Schools specialising in AI and Data Science, aivancity's Grande Ecole Programme has climbed to the top of the podium, all admission routes combined.
This year, aivancity's Grande Ecole Programme, accredited as Bac+5 by the French Ministry of Higher Education, is ranked 1st in the rankings of Engineering Schools specialising in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science.
To compile these rankings, Eduniversal relies on the participation and support of companies via their Human Resources departments, Higher Education establishments and students. The methodology is based on three main criteria: the reputation of the course, the exit salary and student satisfaction feedback.
Our program is ranked as one of the best Bachelors Engineering Schools specializing in Artificial Intelligence & Data Sciences - Post-Bac in France:
Our program is ranked as one of the best Bachelors Engineering Schools specializing in Artificial Intelligence & Data Sciences - Post-Prépa in France:
The Eduniversal agency has decided to reward programmes that will soon be graduating their first students, and which already enjoy a certain reputation. These innovative courses have been successfully launched, have won over classes of students and will soon be proving their worth on the job market.
After winning prizes for launching its programmes in 2022, aivancity's Bachelor of Science Applied Artificial Intelligence programme has been awarded the Springboard prize.
Ces récompenses confirment l’attrait et la pertinence des métiers de l’intelligence artificielle et de la pédagogie innovante d’aivancityThese awards confirm the appeal and relevance of the artificial intelligence professions and aivancity's innovative teaching methods.
Our course was awarded the Prix Tremplin in the speciality: Prix Tremplin dans la spécialité : Bachelor Informatique: Architecture Logicielle & Systèmes Complexes.
By joining aivancity's Grande Ecole programme,
- You will be preparing a postgraduate degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (Bac+5) from a state-approved school.
- You will follow a 5-year programme, the last two years of which will be a sandwich course.
- You will learn about data science while practising it at a rate of 6 to 9 hours a week in the AI clinic, on projects presented by companies, as an integral part of your training.
- You will be preparing for the following careers Machine Learning Engineer , Data Scientist , Big Data Consultant , Artificial Intelligence Engineer , etc.
- And you get the only diploma in the world with an Upgrade Guarantee© (concept patented by aivancity - upgrade guarantee offered free of charge to all graduates for 5 years).