The Social Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Presented by Elisa Gremmo
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aivancity had the honor of hosting Elisa Gremmo, a researcher at the University of Padua and EHESS, for a lecture on the social and cultural consequences of artificial intelligence (AI). This event was specifically organized for MSc Data Engineering students.
Elisa Gremmo's lecture aimed to provide a general introduction to the societal impacts of AI, focusing on the ethical risks stemming from its widespread adoption in daily life, as well as the transformations it brings to contemporary art.
Taking a primarily philosophical perspective, Elisa Gremmo delivered an in-depth analysis supported by technical, social, and artistic studies on the topic. She highlighted the following key points:
- The distinction between General AI and Narrow AI
- Self-awareness as a unique trait of human beings
- Theories of cognitive psychology and extended mind
- Real risks beyond the speculative ideas of Strong AI
- Criminal domains vulnerable to AI exploitation
- Proposed philosophical solutions, including situational evaluation criteria
- The environmental impact of AI, addressing issues of resource and labor exploitation
- The historical relationship between technology and power
- European AI legislation
- AI neutrality, truth criteria, and cognitive biases
- Risks associated with deep fakes
- AI's presence in daily life, including its use by models and influencers
- The application of AI in contemporary art