Release of the book Reinventing Progress

The crisiswe are experiencing is a crisis of the idea of progress. Between innovations, technologies, society, nature, what kind of progress should were invent for tomorrow, the most unifying possible, and which ideas for progress should we choose? A topical debate at the heart of our future lives.
François Miquet-Marty, Chairman of the Les Temps Nouveaux group, has brought together a number of contributors: Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Luc Ferry, both former ministers, Etienne Klein, physicist, Homéric de Sarthe, CEO of Pitchboy, but also Tawhid Chtioui, Chairman of aivancity, all of whom are questioning and trying to respond to the mistrust that science inspires in the French.
What progress for tomorrow's society? What innovations to think about, and how to connect them as closely as possible to every day uses? What role do companies have to play in the advent of responsible progress ?
In its chapter "Progress, yes, but which progress? "Tawhid Chtioui defines progress "as a positive evolution, as a progressive transformation towards more knowledge" and considers that "one of the challenges of education, and particularly higher education, is to respond to the challenges of collective progress". And thus opens the debate on the orientations that should begiven "to the different missions of higher education, such as the transmission of knowledge and skills, scientific production and societal impact ? »
This book, with its multiple approaches, attempts a global approach to reinventing progress on 3 registers : reopening the idea of progress, linking what separates and reinventing the paths of the future.