aivancity, partner of Syntec Numérique, to realize ethical AI by design

aivancity joins forces with Syntec Numérique to encourage you to give substance to a more responsible digital world by contributing to the initiative "Behind the codes and the datas - How to achieve an ethical AI by design" around Renaud VEDEL, National Coordinator for Artificial Intelligence.
Valérie Morignat, aivancity associate professor in Strategy and Design of AI and Emmanuel Goffi, aivancity associate professor in AI Ethics, are mobilized and activelyparticipate in the elaboration of a reference guide for ethical AI by design.
A key factor of differentiation of the French AI offer, the ethics of the developed solutions must materialize and beclearly identified as such. But how to design AI that can be at the same time transparent, fair, safe, respectful, loyal and controlled?
Syntec Numérique organizes, withitspartners, a large collective intelligence session to hack these main theoreticalprinciples and applythemconcretely to the different components of AI (algorithm, datas, ...) Coders/Developers, Data scientists/architects/engineers, Product managers, DPO, Lawyers, ... : the wordisgiven to the dailypractitioners of AI sothattheycoconstructthemselves the solutions to provide!
To make your contribution to the future reference methodological guide on the subject, reserve your place now to participate online in the sessions of your choice:
Online thematic sessions (click on the theme to register) :