aivancity joins the Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes (UGEI)

aivancity joins the Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes (UGEI): The Board of Directors of the Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes (UGEI), meeting on November 9, 2023, unanimously approved aivancity's application for membership.
This resolution, drawn up following an evaluation by four directors of member schools appointed by the Board of Directors, underlines the recognition of aivancity's quality and contribution to higher education.
This membership opens up new opportunities for aivancity, strengthening our partnerships and expanding our network within a dynamic community of renowned educational establishments.
The UGEI is a federation now comprising 37 establishments that contribute to the public service missions of French higher education and to national academic excellence. They carry out their activities in the public interest for the benefit of students, their families and society as a whole.
Etienne CRAYE, President of UGEI
The UGEI Board of Directors enthusiastically welcomed aivancity into our prestigious community. The evaluation carried out showed that aivancity is a school like no other. We are delighted to be able to count it among our members, with all its differences.
Tawhid CHTIOUI, Chairman and Founder, aivancity
This is an exciting new chapter for aivancity, and we are convinced that this affiliation to UGEI will strengthen our position as a key player in the field of artificial intelligence and data. We look forward to working closely with UGEI members to share our respective expertise and contribute together to the advancement of higher education in France and beyond.