Lecture by Guy Pujolle: Intelligence in 5G

3pm - 4pm
5G, the next step towards an increasingly intelligent network.
- The digital infrastructure of 5G that makes it possible to carry this intelligence.
- What does intelligence bring to 5G and why does it enable the optimization of many processes?
- Progression of this intelligence to 6G, between a highly centralized intelligent version and a highly distributed intelligent version.
Dr. Guy Pujolle Professor Emeritus at Sorbonne-University and member of the Board of aivancity.
Author of : "Faut-il avoir peur de la 5G ?", Editions Larousse
World reference in the field of networks; he is also a visiting professor at many international universities such as NCSU, Stanford, Rutgers, UQAM, BUPT Beijing. Author of more than 200 scientific publications and about twenty books, and pilot of development projects including the 1st Gbps network, the 1st ATM prototype, the 1st patents and prototypes on IPR and Wifi controllers, Green Communication or IoT Security. He was awarded the Grand Prix of the French Academy of Sciences in 2013.
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