Aivancity is Qualiopi certified
aivancity has obtained QUALIOPI certification, the quality certification mark for training providers, for its entire range of face-to-face and online professional training, for actions allowing validation of acquired experience (VAE) and for apprenticeship training.
The “Qualiopi” brand is based on the new National Quality Standard (RNQ) defined in June 2019, and attests to the quality of the process implemented by training providers to develop skills and make the training offer clearer for companies and users.
This certification opens up the possibility of public or pooled financing of training courses carried out by aivancity for the benefit of its clients, companies or public bodies.
The results of the audit carried out between 25/08/2020 and 26/08/2020 do not show any non-conformity, i.e. 32 compliant criteria.