aivancity, representative of interest in the National Assembly and the Senate

aivancity's expertise can therefore be solicited in many sectors of activity including higher education and research, but also try to answer societal questions, particularly related to AI and Data.
Aivancity becomes the only interest group school in the French National Assembly and Senate under the law of December 9, 2016 (known as the Sapin II law) which defines, lists and supervises interest representatives. The interest representatives are a means for the legislator to inform himself on how the law is applied and how to improve it. Their activity is also useful to enable the public decision-maker to better understand the expectations of civil society.
As such, aivancity, thanks to its unique hybrid positioning as a school for artificial intelligence, business and society, and its expertise enabling it to be at the heart of current issues related to AI, AI ethics and Data, will be able to enrich the reflection scarried out by parliamentary commissions and working groups.