Nathalie DEVILLIER est Docteur en Droit International et certifiée en Maîtrise des enjeux de défense et de sécurité pour décider au niveau stratégique.
Experte pour la Commission européenne depuis plus de 20 ans, ses champs de compétences sont : l’éthique, la cybersécurité, l’intelligence artificielle, les technologies émergentes et de rupture, la stratégie et les enjeux de défense et de sécurité. Le Pr DEVILLIER est aussi chercheuse associée à la Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique dans les domaines Cyber et Politiques Technologiques et auteur historique pour The Conversation. Nathalie DEVILLIER est auditrice de la Session nationale de l’Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale, majeure Souveraineté Numérique et Cybersécurité (SNC5).
Année | Université | Diplôme/Poste |
2023 | Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, France | Certificate Mastery of defence issues at the strategic level |
2021 | Grenoble Ecole de Management, France | Certificate Expert Teacher in Digital Learning |
2021 | Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, France | Economic Intelligence |
2021 | University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland | Certificate in Research Ethics Evaluation |
2018 | International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), USA | Data Protection Officer Certificate – CIPP/E |
2009 | University of Victoria, Canada | Certificate in Distance Learning and Instructional Scriptwriting |
2004 | Institute of Peace and Development Law, France | PhD in International Economic Law |
1998 | Institute of Peace and Development Law, France | DUP International Organizations |
1998 | Institute of Peace and Development Law, France | DEA in Public and Private International Law |
Full-time Academic Positions
Année | Fonction |
2009 – 2022 | Associate Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France |
2012 | Visiting Research, Argentine Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Buenos Aires |
Other Academic Affiliations
Année | Fonction |
Since 2024 | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, France |
Since 2023 | Professor of Law, EDHEC, France |
2017 – 2018 | Professor of Law, ESSEC, France |
2012 – 2015 | Professor of Law, ESSEC, France |
2008 – 2011 | Professor of Law, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France |
Other professional experience
Année | Fonction |
Feb. 2024 | European Project Manager, Lyon 3 University |
Since 2023 | Independent Evaluator, European Competence Centre for Cybersecurity, Bucharest |
Since 2023 | Expert at the Digital College, General Secretariat for Investment, France 2030, Prime Minister |
2022 – 2023 5 | Auditor of the 2nd National Session, Digital Sovereignty and Cybersecurity, Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, Paris |
2020 – 2022 | Scientific Council, Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris |
2019 – 2020 | Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Ethics of Autonomous Mobility, European Commission, Brussels |
2018 – 2019 | Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Responsibility and New Technologies, European Commission, Brussels |
Since 2015 | Historical Author, The Conversation |
Since 2006 | Lawyer, Influence Cyber, France |
2005 – 2006 | Head of Public Affairs, TMT Telemedicine, Lyon |
2002 – 2003 | Lobbyist, International Union for Cancer Control, Brussels |
Since 2002 | Independent Evaluator, European Commission, Brussels |
2001 – 2002 | Writer, European Parliament, Luxembourg |
Funded Research
- 2020 - Digital Organization & Society Chair, Grenoble Ecole de Management, 150 K€
- 2019 - European University Institute, KIC eit Health, 260K€
- 2011 - Visiting Researcher, Catholic University of Argentina, Auvergne Region, 15k€
- 2010 - European Commission, TEMPUS IV, 150K€
- 2022 Geopolitics of Integrity, Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale, Paris
- 2020 Ethics of Connected and Automated Mobilities, European Commission, Brussels
- 2019 Liability for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Digital Technologies, European Commission, Brussels
- 2011 The European Union's international relations with South Korea, European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 U.S. Investments in Laayoune, European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 The situation of Sahrawi refugees in the Tindouf camps, European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 The European Union's international relations with South Korea, Nicole Fontaine, President of the European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 The European Union's international relations with Saudi Arabia, European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 The European Union's international relations with Lebanon, European Parliament, Luxembourg
- 2011 The European Union's international relations with Turkey, European Parliament, Luxembourg
Editorial Responsibilities
- Guest Editor-in-Chief, Blockchain in Health and the Law, International Journal of Bioethics, June 2024
- Guest Editor, Health Mass Data, International Journal of Bioethics, 2017, Vol. 28, No. 3
- Guest Editor-in-Chief, Telemedicine, International Journal of Bioethics, 2014, Vol. 25, No. 3
Peer reviewed journal articles
- Devillier N., (2024), Cybersecurity and Health in a Digital World: The Contributions of Blockchain Technology, International Journal of Bioethics, June
- Devillier N., (2022), E-health, a technology that widens or bridges the gap between first and third world countries, International Journal of Bioethics, vol.33, no. 3-4, p. 35-37.
- Devillier N., Gleason T., (2019), Consistent and Recurring Use of External Legal Norms: Examining Normative Integration of the FCTC post-Australia – Tobacco Plain Packaging, Journal of World Trade, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 533-566
- Devillier N., (2017) Aging, well-being and technology: From quality-of-life improvement to digital rights management. A French and European perspective, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 46 - 49
- Devillier N., (2017) Health and big data: The emergence of an infrastructure right in the digital space, International Journal of Bioethics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 51-56
- Devillier N., (2017) The provisions of the law on the modernization of our health system relating to health data, International Journal of Bioethics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 57-61
- Devillier N., (2014) From the Management to the Optimization of Health Data: The State of Progress of Electronic Medical Records, International Journal of Bioethics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 81-96
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2005), The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Revue Belge de Droit international, vol. 1-2, pp. 701-728
- Devillier N., Artificial Intelligence systems and models for managers and project managers: Strategies and Case studies , ESKA eds, design stage
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., Droit de la Télésanté et de la Télémédecine, Heures de France, Paris, France, 2011, 158 p
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., Protection de la santé et sécurité alimentaire en droit international, Larcier, Brussels, Belgium, 2009, 325 p.
Book Chapters
- Devillier N., Artificial Intelligence systems and models for managers and project managers: Strategies and Case studies , ESKA eds, design stage
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., Droit de la Télésanté et de la Télémédecine, Heures de France, Paris, France, 2011, 158 p
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., Protection de la santé et sécurité alimentaire en droit international, Larcier, Brussels, Belgium, 2009, 325 p.
Professional articles
- Devillier N., (2024) The challenges of blockchain technology for French cyberdefense, Foundation for Strategic Research, online
- Devillier N., (2024) Towards a new legal era in AI, AI News, The Artificial Intelligence Magazine
- Devillier N., (2023) LOPMI: cyber-attack risk insurance, Village de la Justice
- Devillier N., (2022) Hosting sensitive data abroad: an insufficient prohibition? Village of Justice
- Devillier N., (2022) Smart city and cybersecurity: what are the risks with 5G? Village of Justice
- Devillier N., (2022) How to go on the offensive in the face of the extra-European influence exerted on the French academic world? Village of Justice
- Devillier N., (2022) Cyberscore: how to use it, Village de la Justice
- Aflalo D., Devillier N., (2022) GAFAM's incursion into e-sports and gaming, Village de la Justice
- Devillier N., (2022) Constitutional Protection of Neuro-Rights: The Case of Chile, Village of Justice
- Devillier N., (2020) The use of mobile data in the fight against Covid 19: a golden opportunity for European health cooperation, Revue Droit, Santé, Société, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 68-74
- Devillier N., (2019) Transatlantic cooperation in e-health, Journal of Forensic Medicine Medical Law, vol. 61, no. 5-6, pp. 42-44
- Devillier N., (2019) What is the state of digital law education in France? Village of Justice
- Devillier N., (2017) Editorial: Foreword, International Journal of Bioethics, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 13
- Devillier N., (2017) Playing in the regulatory "sandbox" to regulate disruptive innovation: The case of blockchain technology, Quarterly Review of Commercial Law, pp. 1037-1049
- Devillier N., (2016) Ethical alerting: towards omnichannel governance? Economic Ethics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 91-112
- Devillier N., (2016) Whistleblowing Policy and Corporate Governance Strategy, European Journal of Economics and Management 2016, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 57-74
- Devillier N., Desmarais P., Rialle V., Saurel P., (2014) Law, Health Data, Telemedicine, Medical Imaging and Gerontechnologies, Journal of Forensic Medicine, vol. 57, no. 1-2, pp. 49-52
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2010) The European Union and Telehealth, Quarterly Review of European Law, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 537-561
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2009) The Codex Alimentarius Commission, Journal du Droit International - Clunet, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 1181-1212
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2009) Health Data's Security and Confidentiality in the European Union: The Legal Framework of Medical records', European Law Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 12-14
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2008) Security and confidentiality of health data in the European Union. The legal framework for national electronic medical records, European Journal of Consumer Law, 2008, vol. 3, pp. 417-424
- Ferraud-Ciandet N., (2007) Legal Aspects of e-Health, Les Petites Affiches, vol. 89, pp. 11-14